
Winter 2025 LSA Psychology GSIs

Job Description

How to Apply

There are 2 rounds to this application process.

Round 1: Apply to job posting # 255752 on the careers.umich.edu website.  Applications are due by Wednesday, October 30, 2024. 

Round 2: Applicants deemed qualified will be notified via email to apply to Round 2 of the application process. Those applicants who are selected for the second round of the application process will be asked to provide a letter of recommendation. Due to the brief timeframe of the selection process, applicants are encouraged to identify faculty who may provide letters of recommendation (LOR) early, so letters can be submitted promptly in the event applicants are selected for the second round of review. Additional supporting documents will be also be requested for round 2. Wait for Round 2 instructions before submitting a LOR.

Contingent offers will be extended by 12/6/24. 

Course Description

Winter 2025 GSI Job List & Descriptions 

It is estimated at this time 50/75 GSI positions are slotted for current Psychology Ph.D students or students in one of our joint Psychology programs, per their funding plans.

GSI Course Schedules CHART:  Note -  days and times listed are tentative due to ongoing class room assigning for winter term. Availability of on-line PDF Schedule of Classes and Wolverine Access Class Search will be available 10/18. The LSA Course Guide for winter 2025 term will be live on October 21.

 Winter 2025 GSI Course List Days and Times Chart Link: Days/Times are still Tentative!  The number of GSI/course are subject to change based on enrollment. Use this information to confirm GSI course Lecture times you select do not conflict with required grad courses you may register for.  Attendance at GSI course lectures is a requirement of the GSI positions.

WINTER 2025 GSI JOB POSTINGS Descriptions by Course:


James Hoeffner, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs are responsible for 3, weekly, 1-hour discussion sections. Discussion sections (1) clarify materials covered in lecture and in the book, (2) introduce new material, and (3) provide a forum for students to discuss what they are learning. Running a discussion section entails preparing a syllabus, preparing weekly lessons, coordinating with the lecture, holding regular office hours, writing and proctoring exams, responding to student emails, grading assignments, maintaining a grade book, and assigning and entering final grades. Please note: GSIs are expected to attend lecture and GSI meetings in which we will discuss pedagogy, lesson plans, and problems. GSIs may hold ?after-hours? review sessions held in the evenings before exams.



Elizabeth Buvinger, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Enthusiastic, articulate, personable GSIs with background in Psychology are needed for Psych 111. GSIs are responsible for three weekly 1 hour discussion sections of 25 students each. Discussion sections are used to (1) clarify materials covered in lectures and texts, (2) engage students in active learning, and (3) provide students a forum to discuss what they are learning in lecture. GSIs will share responsibility for creating/updating existing lesson plans for each discussion section; each GSI will create/update the lesson plan for 3 sections. In addition to leading discussion sessions, GSIs are expected to attend the two weekly lectures, one weekly 2-hour GSI meeting (to start between 9am-3pm on Mondays, if schedules allow), hold two hours per week of office hours, grade all Canvas submitted assignments, respond to student emails (within one business day of their receipt), submit midterm progress reports, maintain Canvas gradebook, and submit final grades. Pre-semester expectations include creating a section syllabus, creating a Canvas page, and attending 1-2 planning meetings with the entire GSI team. *Note: Weekly 2 hour GSI meeting time is TBD, but may be held in the evening if there are too many scheduling conflicts during the day. There may be times where time-sensitive emails are sent and need a response after work hours and on weekends (usually extenuating circumstances/emergencies with students or grading). Some discussion sections are scheduled between 5-7pm. GSIs may choose to hold office hours during evening hours, but that is not required. 



Shelly Schreier, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Motivated, resourceful, and dependable graduate students with an interest in the broad field of psychology needed for GSI positions in Introductory Psychology.  GSI responsibilities will include grading, keeping track of grades, holding office hours and review sessions. GSIs will also be responsible for some exam preparation, answering student emails, class attendance and attending weekly meetings for planning purposes. Responsibilities may also include finding and organizing class materials. This specific Intro Psych class does not have discussion sections. GSIs are expected to attend lectures in person. GSIs may be expected to do a limited amount of time-sensitive grading or review of documents after hours, although significant effort is made to avoid these situations from occurring.



Brian Malley, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Enthusiastic GSIs needed. GSIs are responsible for 3 weekly 1-hour discussion sections. Discussion sections (1) clarify materials covered in lecture and in the book, (2) introduce new material, and (3) provide a forum for students to discuss what they are learning. Running a discussion section entails the following: preparing a syllabus; creating and maintaining Canvas sites; preparing weekly lessons; coordinating with the lecture; holding three in-person office hours each week; writing, proctoring, and grading quizzes within 5 business days; responding to my emails seven days/week; responding to student emails in a timely fashion; creating, modifying, administering, and grading assignments and extra credit within 5 business days; maintaining an up-to-date grade book; addressing student complaints; and assigning and entering final grades. Please note: GSIs are required to attend lectures (check in with me at the beginning) and weekly GSI meetings in which we will discuss pedagogy, lesson plans, and problems. I expect GSIs to answer my emails within a day, including weekends, holidays, and meeting-free days (I will answer your emails on the same schedule).


Allison Earl, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: Project Outreach is an experiential learning course combining academic study with volunteer service in the local community. Each GSI leads an independent section of 50 students in a weekly two-hour session with Psych 211 students (4 to 6 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) and a one-hour session with advanced undergraduate discussion leaders enrolled in Psych 306 (6-7 pm after each 211 session). Some sections are paired to ?meet together? (based on enrollment) with two GSIs responsible for a combined session with 100 students. The sections are designed around key psychological topics and communities, including early childhood development in preschools, biopsychosocial influences in healthcare patients, and mental health with wellness promotion programs for college students. 

Responsibilities: A common syllabus, course structure and policies, and Canvas page design are provided across Outreach sections by the faculty instructor. In collaboration, GSIs prepare their section curriculum, schedule of presentations, reading and media assignments, discussion lesson plans, and tailored assignments in the months preceding the start of the term. GSIs also set up and manage the section 211 Canvas page, modules, assignments, and gradebook throughout the term, and work with students on concerns such as accommodations and time conflicts, progress in the course, and unforeseen absences. GSIs respond to student emails and requests to meet (in person or virtually) within 24 hours on school days and consult with the instructor and teaching team as needed/desired. 

Outreach GSIs also manage a team of 7-15 teaching assistants enrolled in Psych 306 who facilitate the small group discussions and activities in 211 each week and grade 211 assignments. GSIs meet with 306 students after each class to collaboratively plan lessons and activities, supervise facilitation sessions, manage a 306 Canvas page, grade 306 assignments, provide training and mentoring, and often write recommendations (by request). GSIs must be available for instructional team meetings (Mondays between 3 and 5 pm) and for their section meeting on one day (Tuesdays: development, Wednesdays: mental wellness, Thursdays: health) from 4 to 6 pm (211) and 6-7 pm (306) each week. Intentional communications between GSIs, 306 group leaders, and a GSI specializing in placement management occurs throughout the term. GSIs also recruit and interview potential 306 students for the subsequent term. 

Desired qualifications:  Academic background in one of the substantive topic areas (development, health, and mental health) in psychology. Experience with small group facilitation for learning. Strong project management, communication, and organization skills. Availability throughout the school week to respond quickly to emergent management situations with students. Field experience with a specialized population, such as preschool children, patients in healthcare settings, or college student needs, is highly desired (please indicate your fit with one or more of these section topics).

Workload: It is important to note that GSI effort in Outreach is ?front loaded. ? Significant advance preparation takes place in collaboration with the instructor to plan lessons, arrange presentations, select readings, create discussion activities, and tailor assignments to placement site experiences in the calendar months before the teaching term begins.


Jennifer Cummings, [email protected]

The GSI will be responsible for teaching 3 discussion sections/week. The GSI will also assist the instructor with several aspects of the course, including holding office hours, fielding student emails, preparing exams, assisting with review sessions, grading exams, and may teach a lecture. The GSI should attend lectures and be sufficiently familiar with the course content to be able to assist students in need of extra support. The GSI will meet once/week with the instructor, as well as be available via email throughout the week. The GSI is also expected to keep track of attendance and participation in discussion, grade discussion-related activities and assignments, and help compute grades. 

Psych 223/ALA 223 Entrepreneurial Creativity (0.5 FTE)

Eric Fretz, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following:  The Psychology Department is seeking Graduate Student Instructors to each teach two (2) sections each of Entrepreneurial Creativity. This class is the LS&A core of the Entrepreneurship Minor and will explore the relation between creativity, innovation, and problem-solving processes. The selected candidates will each teach two of the discussion sections associated with Entrepreneurial Creativity. The lecture meets 2 hours/week. The sections meet on Friday, from 12:00PM to 1:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

 Responsibilities* Attend all lectures, operate attendance tracking technology system during lecture as required, and post attendance data to Canvas. Meet weekly with lecturer as required, hold weekly office hours for discussion section, creating and submitting regular reports (i.e., putting section attendance in Canvas and updating student team progress on a master list). Respond to student email, questions, and concerns; grade two or three 1500-word reaction papers (per student, total student load varies between 60 and 75); prepare and deliver one guest lecture (optional). Conduct discussion section activities and deliver content in discussion section as provided by lecturer. Supervise teams during section and provide them feedback utilizing rubric/checklist provided by lecturer. Create own discussion section activities and materials (as desired.)Lectures and discussion and meetings with me are normal business hours.  GSIs MAY choose to hold their office hours outside of those times.  They MAY choose to grade outside of those hours.  May be rare instances of a student or group having some sort of issue that might require a short notice email response outside of normal hours.

 Required Qualifications* Graduate student in good standing in social science or related field, completion of at least one year of graduate study. Familiarity with current attendance technology tools and Canvas LMS; strong English language and proof-reading skills.

 Desired Qualifications* Experience or interest in post-secondary teaching and team skills. Experience or interest in entrepreneurship; strong interpersonal skills (comfortable providing direction to student teams).  Experience in the following areas considered a plus:  the study of creativity, background in law, background in technology and/or interface design, background in business or prior entrepreneurial activity.


Kent Berridge, [email protected]

GSIs teach three weekly discussion sections  in which they sometimes give minilectures, hold office hours, and lead a neuroanatomy  demonstration for their sections in which they guide students through a sheep brain dissection.  GSIs are encouraged to  attend lectures so as to be available to their students.  If unable to attend lectures, GSIs are at least required to view Canvas Lecture Capture video recordings so as to know what was said in lecture and  be able to  explain lecture material as needed to students in their discussion sections.  Grading duties: GSIs proctor and grade the 3 lecture exams, and they also grade one Discussion Section Quiz, one Reaction Essay and one Term Project for students in their sections. GSIs also host Q&A review sessions held before each lecture exam. Review session times are TBA but may be outside of business hours. Finally, GSIs  assist in coordinating some course duties, such as compiling and posting final grades, revising GSI minilectures for discussion sections, or helping to coordinate brain dissections.  COMPETENCIES: Familiarity with behavioral neuroscience and biopsychology concepts.



Alex Rosati, [email protected]

The GSI will lead 3 one-hour discussion sections per week; attend lectures; attend a weekly GSI meeting; and hold weekly office hours. In sections, GSIs will coordinate activities (including problem-solving activities related to evolution and animal behavior) and  lead discussions from original papers that students will read in conjunction with the text. GSIs will also contribute to the creation of course material (exam questions, section slides, activities) as needed. In terms of grading, GSIs will proctor and evaluate up to three exams (consisting of a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions) and grade activities. GSIs will also assist in leading review session(s) before the final exam. COMPETENCIES: Prior background in evolutionary approaches to animal and/or human behavior.


Taraz Lee, [email protected]

GSIs conduct three discussion sections/week. Attend lecture.  Assist in preparing, administering, and scoring of exams.  Help students (by holding office hours and review sessions).  Hold weekly meetings with instructor and the other GSIs to discuss lesson plans, student issues, and assessments.  Prepare questions for practice quizzes and exams. Grade a short paper that students produce at the end of the semester. Maintain grade book, assign/enter final grades. Depending on everyone's schedules, the weekly GSI meeting may need to be outside normal business hours. Also, GSIs are expected to answer emails within a day, including over weekends/etc., if some matter requiring rapid action occurs. Entering grades might also require some limited time outside normal business hours. COMPETENCIES:  Excellent knowledge of cognitive psychology.


Mike Snodgrass, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs conduct three 1-hour discussion sections per week. Running a discussion section entails preparing a syllabus, preparing weekly lessons related to lecture/class material, administering/grading weekly quizzes, coordinating with the lecture, responding to student (and instructor) emails on a timely basis, and holding regular office hours.  Attend lecture.  Assist in preparing, administering, and scoring of exams. Weekly GSI meetings with instructor to discuss pedagogy, lesson plans, and student issues.  Prepare questions for practice quizzes and exams.  Help administer and proctor class exams.  Maintain grade book, assign/enter final grades.  Depending on everyone's schedules, the weekly GSI meeting may need to be outside normal business hours. Also, I expect GSIs to answer emails within a day, including over weekends/etc., if some matter requiring rapid action occurs.  Entering grades might also require some limited time outside normal business hours.  COMPETENCIES:  Excellent knowledge of cognitive psychology.



Katie Jodl, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs prepare lessons and lead 3 discussion sections each week; hold weekly office hours; conduct review sessions; grade papers and weekly discussion posts; write exam questions as needed; and compute final grades. GSIs are required to attend lectures and a weekly GSI meeting (at 9 am on Mondays). GSIs may need to hold extra office hours during weeks when papers are due and before exams. These office hours might be outside of regular working hours. COMPETENCIES: Excellent knowledge of developmental psychology; clear communication style; works well with others and is a collaborative team player; enthusiasm for working with students; previous teaching experience desirable.


L. Monique Ward, [email protected]

GSIs prepare and lead 3 discussion sections each week; hold weekly office hours; conduct review sessions; grade papers and section assignments; and compute final grades.  GSIs are required to attend lectures and a weekly one-hour GSI meeting.  GSIs may need to hold extra office hours during weeks when papers are due and before exams. These office hours might be outside of regular working hours. COMPETENCIES: Excellent knowledge of developmental psychology; clear communication style; works well with others and is a collaborative team player; enthusiasm for working with students; previous teaching experience desirable. 



Felix Warneken, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: GSIs prepare lessons and lead 3 discussion sections each week; hold weekly office hours; respond to emails in a timely manner; conduct review sessions; create exam questions and learning activities for students; grade papers and weekly discussion posts; write exam questions as needed; and compute final grades. GSIs are required to attend lectures and a weekly GSI meeting (at 2:30-3:30pm on Tuesdays). COMPETENCIES: Excellent knowledge of developmental psychology; clear communication style; works well with others and is a collaborative team player; enthusiasm for working with students; previous teaching experience desirable.


Craig Rodriguez-Seijas, [email protected]

GSIs lead three 1-hour discussion sections per week, grade papers, assist with exam preparation, grading, and assessment of course learning objectives. GSIs will conduct content reviews, facilitate group discussions, present new material and demonstrations, attend weekly GSI meetings, attend the course lectures, and offer office hours. COMPETENCIES: proficiency in the scientific study and treatment of abnormal behaviors; approaches teaching in a critical and collaborative manner; supportive of diversity, inclusivity, and equity in the classroom setting; ability to be highly responsible and accountable; appreciative of viewing phenomenon from multiple perspectives

Psych 280 Introduction to Social Psychology (0.5 FTE)

Joshua Ackerman, [email protected]

GSIs will lead three discussion sections that each meet for one hour per week. These sections meet to conduct demonstrations and empirical projects, as well as to review and discuss material presented in lectures. Additional content not found in the lecture may also be included in these sections. GSIs are expected to attend or view all lectures and also will have the opportunity (if desired) to present one mini-lecture to the general class. A weekly GSI meeting with the faculty member will be held to coordinate and review discussion section progress and content. GSIs will also be involved in preparing and administering exams (which will involve 3 additional meetings during the semester) and in computing grades. Certain discussion sections may be scheduled outside of normal business hours. Depending on availability of all GSIs, certain non-regular meetings with the instructor may also occur outside of these hours.


Psych 290 Intro to Psychology of Personality (0.5 FTE)

Myles Durkee, [email protected]

GSIs hold 3 one-hour in-person discussion sections per week; help create multiple-choice exams; grade several short written assignments throughout the semester; and hold office hours (3/week). GSIs are expected to attend all course lectures (in-person) and weekly staff meetings with the instructor and other GSIs. They are also encouraged to give one guest lecture during the semester. COMPETENCIES: Knowledge, expertise and/or strong interest in personality psychology (theory, research, and assessment); ability to work cooperatively with other GSIs and students; good organizational skills.

Psych 291 Introduction to Psychology of Women & Gender (0.5 FTE)

Sara McClelland, [email protected]

GSIs will attend two 1.5 hour lectures every week. In addition, they will lead three 1-hour discussion sections, attend teaching team meetings, and hold office hours each week. GSIs are responsible for preparing weekly lessons and will work together to develop section materials. Ongoing GSI duties include: grade weekly quizzes; respond to student emails in a timely fashion; evaluate brief writing assignments; conduct exam review sessions; prepare, proctor, and grade exams; and compute final grades. The assigned final exam time may be outside of business hours and will be determined at a later date. A weekly GSI meeting with the faculty member will be held to coordinate and review discussion section progress and content. Each GSI will have the opportunity to prepare and deliver a guest lecture (optional). Desired qualifications: ability to work cooperatively with other GSIs and students; good organizational skills; previous teaching experience; familiarity with psychological research on sexuality and/or gender. 



Alex Wasserman, [email protected]

The main GSI duties for this role include, but are not limited to, the following: This laboratory course provides an introductory ?how to? guide to conducting research in psychology, including library research, study design, data collection and basic analyses, and APA-style writing. GSIs attend lectures (80 min/wk) and a team meeting (60 min/wk). GSIs work with students in their lab sections on active learning projects emphasizing ?hands on? activity rather than lecture. Several projects involve leading students in using Qualtrics and Excel, along with JASP, R, or SPSS for data analysis.

Each GSI is responsible for supervising two 20-student lab sections, with activities planned collaboratively each week by the teaching team.  GSIs also collaboratively prepare lesson plans and other materials for laboratory sections (though initial materials are provided). Finally, GSIs provide feedback on rough drafts of student writing assignments, grade final versions of writing assignments, grade other assignments (e.g., discussions and other lab activities), track their sections? grades, hold office hours (2 hours/week), respond to student emails within 24 hrs on weekdays, and collaborate and consult with the instructor and GSI teaching team as needed/desired. If there are too many scheduling conflicts, some regular meetings may occur outside business hours.

 Because this course meets the Upper Level Writing Requirement in LSA, GSIs must have previously taken or concurrently take the 1-credit course, WRITING 993: Teaching Writing in the Disciplines (http://lsa.umich.edu/sweetland/graduates/courses.html)    


Jacinta Beehner, [email protected]

The GSI will be responsible for assisting the instructor with all aspects of the course, including writing and grading exams and class projects (poster, podcast, or video) based on guidelines provided by the instructor, holding office hours, fielding student emails, and maintaining the grading spreadsheets. Note that there are no sections associated with this course. However, the GSI should be sufficiently familiar with the course content to be able to assist students in need of extra support (therefore, lecture attendance is required). The GSI will meet periodically with the instructor to discuss various aspects of the course. The GSI is also expected to help proctor exams, as well as help compute and assign the final grades. Please see HERE for more detailed duties associated with this GSI position.

Psych 342 Research Methods Brainwaves (Res Meth  in Human Electroencephalography - EEG/MEG/ECoG)

David Brang, [email protected]

Every week, each GSI leads two 80-minute lab sections (20 students per section), attends one 80-minute lecture, and attends one GSI meeting. GSIs will follow a prepared lesson plan while also preparing additional content for their specific sections (as is necessary) and exams (multiple choice, fill in the blank,  short-answers). GSIs will grade brief written commentaries submitted onto canvas, oral presentations given in their sections, problem sets, and exams. GSIs will additionally host weekly office hours and meet students at individually scheduled times as necessary. Weekly lab sections include presentations by the students on research articles and 'hands-on' activities to walk students through EEG data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation, largely using Matlab-based software (Brainstorm). COMPETENCIES: Experience with cognitive neuroscience techniques, preferably neurophysiology tools (EEG, MEG, ECoG, or LFPs).

Psych 352  Develop-Lang (0.5 FTE)

Nicole Gardner-Neblett, [email protected]

The GSI will be responsible for assisting the instructor with several aspects of the course, including holding office hours and responding to student e-mails in a timely manner, helping to develop and grade quizzes, exams, essays, and extra credit assignments. The GSI should be familiar with the course content to be able to assist students in need of extra support. The GSI will meet regularly with the instructor to discuss class issues and guidelines for grading. The GSI is also expected to proctor exams and help track and assign the final grades. The GSI is required  to attend the weekly lectures, help facilitate student engagement in class activities, and keep up with readings. The GSI is invited to prepare and deliver a guest lecture on a topic of their choosing. Weekly office hours (2 hours) and GSI meetings (1 hour) as well as occasional meetings about grading or with students may be held during evenings if there are too many scheduling conflicts during the day. The assigned final exam time may be outside of business hours and will be determined at a later date.


Shelly Schreier, [email protected]

The GSI will be responsible for assisting the instructor with several aspects of the course, including holding office hours and responding to student e-mails, helping to develop and grade exams and 2-3 applied essays. The GSI should be familiar with psychological concepts related to social development to be able to assist students in need of extra support. The GSI will meet regularly with the instructor to discuss class issues and guidelines for grading. The GSI is also expected to proctor exams and help track and assign the final grades. GSI is required  to attend the weekly lectures.


Daniel Keating, [email protected]

 The GSI will be responsible for assisting the instructor with several aspects of the course, including attendance at lectures,  grading exams (short answer and multiple choice Scantron) and class projects based on guidelines provided by the instructor, holding office hours, fielding student emails, and maintaining the grading spreadsheets. The GSI should be sufficiently familiar with the course content to be able to assist students in need of extra support. The GSI will meet periodically with the instructor to discuss various aspects of the course. The GSI is also expected to help compute and assign the final grades. Attending lectures and participation in class sessions are expected in order to be ready to assist students with course material. 


Sheryl Olson, [email protected] 

 GSIs lead three discussion sections and hold regular office hours. GSIs must keep up  with  material presented in lecture either by attending in person or reviewing the recorded lecture on Canvas. The discussion sections will be used primarily to conduct demonstrations and enrich students? understanding of the course material, but also to review and discuss the material presented in lectures. GSIs also conduct review sessions prior to exams. A weekly meeting with the GSIs and the faculty member will be held to coordinate and review progress and special challenges. GSI?s help prepare, proctor and grade exams and papers. The GSI will respond to students? e-mail messages, keep track of grades, and compute and assign the final grade .

Psych 389-001 PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW (0.5 FTE)

David Dunning, [email protected]

The GSI is primarily responsible for grading exams, leading review sessions prior to each exam, and holding weekly office hours to answer students? questions. GSIs will supervise in-class small group table discussions in which students problem-solve legal cases or policy involving course material. The GSI is expected to attend lectures and keep up with readings. The GSI will help generate questions for and proctor exams, as well as evaluate written work, oral presentations, and group reports. They will spend time responding promptly to student emails. The GSI will keep track of grades and help compute and assign the final grade. The GSI is encouraged to their own  a guest lecture on a topic they prefer. They are also expected to attend occasional (approximately bi-weekly) meetings with the instructor in which we will discuss ideas, issues, and strategies relevant to running the course. Two hours per week are required for GSI office hours. One hour should be scheduled prior to one exam each semester for a review session. Some discussion sessions for a few small groups may have to be scheduled outside of class time for students unable to attend the regular class session. None of these activities are expected to occur outside of regular business hours, although there is a possibility that small group discussions may be forced to be held then. COMPETENCIES: Familiarity with psychology theory and methods; no background in the law is necessary, though an interest in it and current social issues is helpful.


Joshua Rabinowitz, [email protected]

The GSI leads three one-hour long discussion sections; grades papers and exams; and assists in planning papers, activities, and exams.  Some sections may be devoted to showing videos, movies, etc., which requires the GSI to arrange details.  The GSI will meet briefly with the instructor on a regular or periodic basis to discuss discussion section activities and guidelines for grading. The GSI is expected to attend lectures or to keep up on the material in consultation with the lead instructor. The GSI is invited to guest lecture on relevant topics.  Weekly 1-hour instructional meeting might be held in the evening if there are too many conflicts during normal business hours. GSI might choose to hold two exam-review sessions in the evening. COMPETENCIES:  Interest in social psychology or personality psychology or political science or history; sensitivity to diversity issues. 


Fiona Lee,  [email protected]

The GSI will teach three 1-hour discussion sections per week, create their own syllabus for discussion sections, plan and coordinate section activities with other GSIs (with support from the course instructor and access to prior semester resources).  The GSI will be responsible for assisting the instructor with several aspects of the course, including preparing exams, holding office hours and responding to student emails, instructing class projects, and grading exams, quizzes, and class projects (including term papers). The GSI should be sufficiently familiar with the course content (Organizational Psychology) to be able to assist students in need of support or having questions. The GSI will meet each week with the instructor and other GSIs to discuss the discussion section activities, exams, guidelines for grading, and other relevant topics. The GSI is also expected to attend the lectures (and encouraged to deliver one lecture), help proctor exams, keep track of attendance, maintain the course Canvas sites, and compute and help assign the final grades. 



Andras Molnar, [email protected]

The GSI will be responsible for: 

REQUIRED COMPETENCIES: (a) knowledge of the judgment and decision psychology literature; (b) familiarity with Canvas.

PREFERRED COMPETENCIES: a) experience with conducting simple behavioral experiments; (b) experience with team-based teaching and group mentoring. 


 Adriene Beltz, [email protected]    

GSIs will assist with several aspects of the course and will attend lectures and weekly meetings with the instructor. Responsibilities include supporting student learning by holding office hours, arranging computer lab sessions, fielding questions via email, and helping maintain the course Canvas site. Responsibilities also include participating in student evaluations by assisting the instructor with the development of quizzes, problem sets, and exams, and by grading and preparing answer keys. GSIs must have a strong foundation in ANOVA/regression, some experience with multivariate methods (e.g., MANOVA, factor analysis, and multilevel models), and a solid background in statistical computing with SPSS and/or R.  Weekly office hours (2 hours) and GSI meetings (1 hour) as well as occasional meetings about grading or with students may be held during evenings if there are too many scheduling conflicts during the day.


Additional GSI job responsibilities are included in, but not limited to, the items listed for each specific position in the GSI course descriptions.  Hired GSIs are required to attend their course's weekly lectures in person unless noted otherwise.  

The GSI employment appointment period for Winter 2025 Term runs 1/1/2025 to 4/30/2025. The Winter 2025 term starts 1/10/25, until final exams end on 5/1/25. Hired GSIs are expected to be available for any listed training, orientations, or GSI course responsibilities prior to the appointment period as noted in the Fraction Calculation Form and job description, and to be available to work in person throughout the appointment period and term.


TRAININGS ARE REQUIRED AS PART OF YOUR GSI OFFER. It is your responsibility to plan your travel, etc., around these training sessions.
FIRST TIME GSIs for the Psychology Department  are required to attend all of the following trainings:  
1. Psychology Department New GSI Orientation: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 (9-2pm)
2. DPSS Training - TBA
3. Center for Research on Learning and Teaching GSI Orientation (CRLT GSITO): Canvas course with required asynchronous and synchronous components.  Opens December 2024 (exact dates TBA).   NOTE: If you previously GSI?d in another department at U of M and already attended the CRLT GSITO, you do not have to attend again). 

ALL RETURNING GSIs, who have taught for the Psych Dept. in a PRIOR Term:
1. DPSS Training - TBA

2. It is recommended returning Psych GSIs attend a CRLT Seminar during the Winter 2025 term. Seminars will be listed on the CRLT website closer to the start of the term - http://www.crlt.umich.edu/events . 

In addition, ALL students hired as Psychology GSIs are required to take U of M's Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Online Training Module, RO 100: FERPA, through My Linc.  This only needs to be taken once.

Required Qualifications*

Applicant must be a graduate student in good standing at the University of Michigan. Applicant must not have exceeded the College's Ten Term Rule.  Additional qualifications are listed for each specific position in the GSI course descriptions.

Graduate students hired as GSIs (0.5 or higher appointment) for a Psychology course should not hold another 0.5 appointment (GSI/GSRA/Staff) during the same term.

Students who did not attend an English-speaking undergraduate institution must be evaluated by the English Language Institute (ELI) for English proficiency and either pass the GSI-OET, or have this test waived by the ELI before they can be eligible for a GSI Appointment in LSA.

ALL GSIs who are teaching courses for the first time which include a Sweetland Writing Center percentage (ULWR courses) are required to attend the Writing 993 (1 credit) training course in the Winter 2025 term.

Desired Qualifications*

Additional qualifications are listed for each specific position in the GSI course descriptions. Priority will be given to current LSA graduate students

Modes of Work

All Winter 2025 LSA Psychology Department Graduate Student Instructor positions are onsite positions. GSIs are required to teach in person on campus throughout the entire winter term.

Contact Information

Carefully read entire job posting and all instructions on how to apply. If you have questions, contact Megan Wolgast ([email protected]) in the Psychology Student Affairs Office, 1343 EH.  

Decision Making Process

Faculty review applications for positions in their courses and note their preferences and indicate any applicants deemed unqualified.

Selection Process

Faculty recommendations, relevance to graduate training and academic preparation for teaching the course are considered. Psychology Ph. D graduate students will have priority in placement.

GEO Contract Information

The University will not discriminate against any applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, marital status, familial status, parental status or pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression (whether actual or perceived), sexual orientation, age, height, weight, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, HIV antibody status, political belief, membership in any social or political organization, participation in a grievance or complaint whether formal or informal, medical conditions including those related to pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, arrest record, or any other factor where the item in question will not interfere with job performance and where the employee is otherwise qualified. The University of Michigan agrees to abide by the protections afforded employees with disabilities as outlined in the rules and regulations which implement Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Information for the Office for Institutional Equity may be found at https://oie.umich.edu/ and for the University Ombuds at https://ombuds.umich.edu/

Unsuccessful applications will be retained for consideration in the event that there are last minute openings for available positions. In the event that an employee does not receive their preferred assignment, they can request a written explanation or an in-person interview with the hiring agents(s) to be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time.

This position, as posted, is subject to a collective bargaining agreement between the Regents of the University of Michigan and the Graduate Employees' Organization, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO 3550.

Standard Practice Guide 601.38, Required Disclosure of Felony Charges and/or Felony Convictions applies to all Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs). SPG 601.38 may be accessed online at https://spg.umich.edu/policy/601.38 , and its relation to your employment can be found in MOU 10 of your employment contract.

U-M EEO/AA Statement

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

*Please mention you saw this ad on VeteransInHigherEducation.*

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